Training to the front-line responders and non-specialized service providers on SOP on GBV Prevention
The NCWC conducted training to the front-line responders and non-specialized service providers on Standard Operating Procedure on Gender Based Violence Prevention and Responses on 24 th June 2020 in Phuentsholing.
All together 17 Participants comprising of health personal from Chukha, Samtse and Phuentsholing Thromde. The SoP for GBV Prevention and Response was developed by NCWC in coordination with UNICEF and UNDP in September, 2019. The SoP was widely consulted with all relevant government and non government stakeholders. The purpose of the SOP is to provide clear and comprehensive guidance for the multi-sector response to and prevention and mitigation of GBV
in the country.
The SOP is intended for distinct audiences:
· Case management actor’s/case workers providing case management services,
· Specialized GBV service providers across health, safety and security, mental
health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), justice and social sectors,
· Agencies responsible for the coordination and governance of GBV multi-sector
services, including the Competent Authority,
Actors involved in the prevention of GBV including information, awareness and social norm change actions/interventions and, Front-line workers and non-specialized services providers
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