Training on basic communication and helping skills & orientation on Case Management

The National Commission for Women and Children with support from Save The Children conducted three days training on ‘Basic Communication and Helping Skills’ from November 2-4, 2020 and the following two days on ‘Orientation on Case Management (including Guidance to Remote Case Management)’ from November 5-6, 2020 in Thimphu.
A total of 16 participants attended the training and the orientation program. The participants involved the gender and child focal point (GCFPs) officials from eleven dzongkhags alongwith officials from Ability Bhutan Association and Nazhoen Lamtoen.
During the three days training on basic communication and helping skills, participants were introduced to basic counseling/communication skills, helping skills and, mental and health well-being. As a part of the orientation program on case management, participants were introduced to case management, how to plan, implement, review, monitor and close the case. The participants were also oriented on the remote case management and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Children in Difficult Circumstance (CIDC).
The training and the orientation program aimed to equip the GCFPs and the officials with necessary skills and knowledge on effective communication and helping skills, and also to understand clearly about the case management and its process which would enable them to provide timely and appropriate services to the clients.
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